First Time visiting

Services at Immanuel are joyfully reverent and richly ceremonial. We celebrate the Divine Service each Sunday using settings from Lutheran Service Book

We joyfully welcome all guests to services at Immanuel!

Communicant members in good standing of LCMS congregations are asked to announce themselves to an usher or to one of the Pastors prior to the service. 

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Immanuel, as a member congregation of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, practices closed communion. For more information, please visit our Communion page

If you are interested in membership at Immanuel, please visit our membership page.

Worship Customs at Immanuel

Lutherans highly value the rich ceremonies of traditional Christian worship and the participation of mind, voice, and body in the liturgy. At the same time Lutherans value Christian freedom. Nothing that God’s Word has left free should be compelled or forbidden. The following are some ceremonies that are commonly practiced at Immanuel:

The Processional Crucifix
Divine Services at Immanuel begin with the processional crucifix entering the church and ends with it departing the church. As a voluntary act of devotion to Jesus, many of our members orient their bodies and eyes toward the cross in procession, and bow their heads as the crucifix passes.  

We kneel for certain parts of the liturgy (e.g., confession of sins, consecration of the Lord's Supper, receiving the Lord's Supper) as a sign of humility and devotion. 

Much of the liturgy is chanted. The pastor, cantor, choir, and people all sing certain parts. Don't worry if this is foreign to you at first. You'll learn it by listening, and before long you'll catch yourself singing parts of the liturgy as you go about your week!

The Sign of the Cross
Some members of Immanuel follow Martin Luther's recommendation to make the sign of the cross during various points in the service.  It serves as a reminder to our baptism into Christ's death and resurrection. 

Gospel Procession
During certain festivals and seasons, the Holy Gospel is read or chanted from the center of the church from the Gospel Book. This ceremony is sometimes accompanied by the cross and candles, with a sequence hymn or choral Alleluia.

Standing for Doxological Stanzas in Hymns
Immanuel stands when singing a hymn stanza that praises the Triune God: the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. These stanzas conclude by singing "Amen." 

Our pastors raise the Host and Chalice during the consecration of the Lord’s Supper for the people to rejoice and be glad at the presence of Christ among us.

We ring bells and chimes at certain joyous or solemn points in the Service to call the people to attention to the holy things.